Gum Disease Treatments

What can I do to fight gum disease?

Gum Disease Treatments: So many dental terms sound like someone speaking Greek. In this case they actually are! Gum disease, or Periodontal disease, in Greek translates to peri, “around” and dontal  “tooth.”

It’s an inflammatory condition surrounding the teeth due to bacterial plaque and calculus buildup. Contributing factors include: smoking, diabetes, family history, immunodeficiency and some medications. Treatments range from the nonsurgical deep cleanings, to surgical options such as pocket depth reduction, regeneration, and soft tissue grafts. Unfortunately, periodontal disease is often symptom free, so a lot of damage can take place before you notice a problem. Schedule regular teeth cleanings and exams and your Greek language translations can stick to fun stuff like Baklava a Souvlaki.

8:00am to 5:00pm
8:00am to 5:00pm
8:00am to 5:00pm
8:00am to 5:00pm
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